Bournemouth Rally 2013 Report

     The theme for our Supper this year was ‘Hollywood’ and you will see from some of the photos, that many thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to  ‘dress up ’, after this it was decided that next year the theme will be ‘Black tie’ so look out your long dresses and bow ties, and any candelabra that may be lurking in cupboards, only candles for the lighting though, so as they say in the North ‘think on’…….  I have been reliably informed that there will be a ‘guest appearance’ by a singer to entertain us all, so something not to be missed!

      A really good turn out of old and new campers this year, the weather making it all very special. Agility was on the agenda and great fun for all, the ‘Al Fresco’ breakfast once again put in an appearance, plus the fish and chip night, quiz night and other spontaneous events throughout the week. Meteorites and shooting stars entertained those prepared to sit out late one night.  Steve once again provided our marquee, usually to keep us dry, but this year ensured that sun stroke was NOT on the agenda – thanks Steve.

     Our organizer, Sandra Blackford, had a ‘bit of bother’ getting to the site this year with ongoing problems;   ensure you are a Member of the SEWSSC and will therefore get our next Newsletter, in which I understand the full story will be written.

     We can hope that the weather next year will be as  good, that would be lovely, but whether we are ‘cooking’ in the heat or ‘dripping’ in the wet,  it makes no difference this event is always well supported and great fun -  you just MUST be there next August ……….

Julie Revill