There are many ways that people spend their Bank Holidays, but when the weather is fairly inclement, ie raining, there is only one way that Welsh Springer owners plan to spend the day.  Walking around the Devils Punch Bowl near Hindhead – of course!

         Wellies and Waterproofs were definitely the ‘order of the day’ when a group of members of the Club turned up to meet with George Isherwood in the Café for a bracing  cup of tea before moving off into the murky depths. 17 Welshies and one Labradoodle started this walk, and amazingly all 17+1 finished it in about 3  hours. Most of the walk was fairly level and easy walking but the ‘slight slope’ mentioned by George to the Secretary prior to the start, turned out to be somewhat of a ‘mountain’ and she was heard to mention that ‘next time she would bring crampons’.

        The rain did ease and by the time the intrepid group returned to the Café for a further bracing cuppa and cakes, it had actually stopped, although the views that we heard were ‘spectacular’ did tend to hide themselves that day.  Everyone enjoyed themselves, in particular the dogs who were able to be off lead for most of the time.

        Thank you George for organising this walk, now try to find another lovely place for us to meet next year ??

Julie Revill